The industry is still very siloed, and there is a need to transition to a more interconnected approach. While different groups concentrate on various verticals or layers of the technology stack, smart interoperability requires a horizontal approach. The growth of the smart buildings market faces instability and addressing key issues is critical to unlocking its full potential. This panel convenes industry experts in smart building design and deployment to discuss current challenges, emerging trends and best practices essential for fostering a more interconnected industry approach and stimulating demand for smart building adoption.
Kevin has been immersed in SMaRT technology for over a decade, leading projects in a variety of sectors as a contractor and consultant.
He is the Steering Committee Secretary of the Digital Buildings Council, accredited SmartScore professional and Certified Protection Professional (CPP®).
Kevin is also a regular speaker and writer on the topic of SMaRT. Whether contributing to a podcast, round-table or panel debate, he is eager to advance understanding of SMaRT’s contribution to and its potential for the built environment.
SES Engineering Services Ltd
James is responsible for the Digital Building strategy at SES Engineering Services.
He believes that digital enablement, data and smart technology are the key enablers to delivering efficient, sustainable and high performing buildings.
SES recognise digital engineering as the golden thread that connects the concept design right through to aftercare, and how the wisdom that we gain from data positively influences future designs, enables sustainable procurement decisions and ultimately improves our environment.
James thinks of a connected digital building as an ecosystem, where each component part and element of technology is an enabler for another to operate or for it to share data and functionality with, where this interaction improves an outcome, whether that’s operational, building performance and efficiency or it enhances the occupant experience.
Cordless Consultants
Ravi leads the smart technology and strategy design team at Cordless Consultants. Throughout the last decade, he has represented the client, vendor, and design sides of the industry to form a holistic understanding of needs and value-focused design.
His passion is using technology to create buildings which eliminate friction, engage and delight occupiers, and just work. Always striving to push boundaries beyond design certification to continually improve on sense of community, comfort, efficiency, and sustainability - while remaining practical and focusing on meaningful, actionable enhancements and insights.
Cordless Consultants are staunch advocates for knowledge sharing to establish strong digital foundations across this rapidly evolving market. As a founding member of the DBC, we hope to use our experience to help educate and elevate digital buildings for the future of work.
British Land
Specialized in enabling smart buildings for Mechanical, Electrical, and Public Health systems across commercial, residential, and logistic building types. My primary focus is on developing asset modeling and data extraction techniques. We create comprehensive Design and Modeling Guides for all asset types, detailing the necessary data for performance, lifecycle management, and the automation of asset onboarding to the cloud.
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